Training and Awareness Programs from Research

Safety Voice for Ergonomics (SAVE)

SAVE, which stands for Safety Voice for Ergonomics, is a free training program designed to teach masonry brick and block apprentices problem solving skills and ergonomics. SAVE was developed over four years with the support of, and input from, the Masonry r2p Partnership, which includes the International Masonry Institute (IMI), the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC), and the International Council of Employers of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (ICE).  Through this Partnership, the researchers received direct and ongoing feedback from contractors, IMI instructors, and BAC apprentices.


Strains, sprains and other work-related overexertion injuries are common in construction and a leading cause of disabling injuries. Apprentices and other new entrants to the construction workforce often do not have the experience to recognize safety and health hazards on a work site. They also may not know how or when to speak up or who to go to with a concern.  Apprenticeship training programs provide an excellent opportunity to teach both ergonomic principles and safety voice skills to workers so they can prevent these types of injuries.

Although developed for apprentices in the brick and block segment of the masonry industry, the materials can be adapted for other construction trades or target audiences.

SAVE Content

The SAVE program has 7 units. Each interactive unit contains a combination of slides and brief videos with PAUSES for discussions, activities and quizzes. There is an apprentice workbook to use with the units.  Each unit is 30 minutes (3 ½ hours total). These can be taught individually over time or as a single session.  There is also a SAVE Instructor Manual and Orientation Video to help instructors deliver the training.

Click on these links to download the SAVE materials – ALL FOR FREE:
  • SAVE Materials
    • SAVE Videos (mov)
      • Unit 1:
      • Unit 2:
      • Unit 3:
      • Unit 4:
      • Unit 5:
      • Unit 6:
      • Unit 7:
    • Apprentice Workbook (pdf)

To learn more about SAVE, contact Dr. Dan Anton at [email protected].